Setting up your default week template


So you want customers to schedule appointment (requests) with you. Obviously, you're not available 24/7 to meet up with customers. So that's where availability hours and week templates come in!

In this section, you'll find out about how setting your availability hours will help you in restricting the possibilities you give to customers so that the meeting times work for you.

How to configure?

  1. To access this pane, click Appointment hours  on the top of your screen.
  2. As you enter this pane, you will notice that there is one template available called the default template.
  3. This template is applied on all days and dates for now, hence the gray color.


Having a default template applied is not sufficient because the default template will be a template where no availability is set yet. You still need to determine your availability.

To access the template, press the template and then click on open week template.

The default template you open, will have no availability settings prefilled.

There are 2 steps you need to perform to set up availabillity:

1. Drag and drop the slots where you want to be available
2. Define per slot where and how you want to work

STEP 1 Drag and drop the slots where you want to be available

When you open your template for the first time, you will find a blank week calendar without any time slots. 


If you want to add available time to your template, you can drag and drop in this calendar view  to define your time slots. To drag and drop, keep your left mouse button pressed and move around.

If you drag and drop a timeslot, a new pane will open. 


In this pane you can decide for which office(s) you want to use the time slot you just created.

So how can you do that? And what does everything do.

1. Switch on the office using the on/off button. There must always be atleast one office on, otherwise your time slot will not indicate availability. When an office is on, an indicator for it appears in the time-slot on the left (4)
2. When you press this button you will have to confirm every appointment that is made.
3. When you press this button, the standard planning rules for this time slot will be used.

5. Press save changes.




What is the expected outcome?



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