When a calendar account is synchronized with Skedify, you have the option to create an external calendar event in the selected calendar. (see https://skedify.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/205568192-Connecting-and-syncing-your-calendars)
A calendar event is the appointment in your calendar e.g. Outlook. It has a subject and when you click it open, there is content in it too.
The administrator can do slight changes to the content of the Body and the Subject of the events. The administrator can decide this per language and meeting type, but also make a difference between the events for your enterprises' contacts and your customers.
To consult or change how it is done now, you can go to Manage Organization and then click Calendar Synchronization data on the left pane.
The standard body and subject (see underneath) and title are quite complete but we understand that for your convenience, you would like to change this.
If you want to customize the content of an event, just press the slider next to Customized. When the slider is set to YES you can start customizing the content.
What you can do are the following actions:
- Change the order (copy and paste the fields including the {{ }}
- Add <SPACE> and <ENTER> in the body
- Add fixed text
- Delete field you think are irrelevant
Where there are {{ }} Skedify replaces this with relevant data
Formatting however is not possible. An exemple is the following, you add fix text followed by the data field between {{}}
e-mail: {{customer.email}}
Customer: {{customer.full_name}}
Once you saved the changes, these will have immediate effect. We strongly advise to try this out on your staging environment first. If you want to see how it looks, connect a calendar and book a meeting with the chosen contact
Below a list of the supported placeholders: