When you are planning a holiday, there are some points of attention when you are a Skedify contact.
there are different situations we will explain
You have a synchronized calendar
When your calendar synchronization is active, and you manage your availability in e.g. Outlook, nothing should be done. When you have events in your calendar which are not returned as FREE, you will not be available for online scheduling. So when set an event in your calendar, same as booking a meeting , your calendar will be blocked and no timeslots will be shown to your customer
image: event in Google Calendar
When you put your holidays like this in your calendar, the calendar system will automatically set it as BUSY
Important: You can also set whole day events but be careful, some calendar systems such as O365 will set this by default as FREE, it is important to change this into "BUSY
In addition to this, when you are managing an office or a branch and you keep the holiday schedule of your colleagues in your own proper agenda, or you take a colleague's calendar into consideration. This will affect your availability too!
More information about the statuses FREE or BUSY can be found here
You do not have a synchronized calendar
When you do not have a synchronized calendar but you are not available for scheduling. the easiest way to prevent people for booking something in your agenda is by applying the day template "unavailable" which is available in Appointment Hours